FMGC Will Welcome Students and Job Seekers at the Job Forum in Châteaubriant
The Job Forum of Châteaubriant (Loire-Atlantique) will take place on Thursday, November 14. The event is especially recommended to students, job seekers, employees in career transition and parents of young people in career orientation.
The day includes school class visits of the forum in the morning. From 1 to 4 pm job seekers are invited as well and from 4 to 7.30 pm the forum is open for everybody.
FMGC will welcome 2 school groups at the foundry. Jerome Horville, a Process Manager at FMGC will accompany the future young professionals on a tour of the plant and introduce them to the diverse professions at the foundry.
The purpose of the forum is to help young people discover the various career opportunities that a foundry can offer them, but as well to attract them as apprentices.
For more information, please don’t hesitate to contact the HR manager of FMGC: Celine Richard.