The Foundry is Promoting Safety and Health at Work
FMGC hosted on September, 4th the Health Truck, as part of the "A vous la santé" (in EN: Your Health Is In Your Hands) tour. The objective of the tour is to promote health and safety primarily among temporary but also permanent employees.
About FMGC 100 employees met the health professionals of the Health Truck to obtain information on the actions of FASTT – a representative organ of temporary employment in France. For educational purposes they could also try simulation masks and devices showing behavioral changes due to the excessive consumption of alcohol or drugs.
Additionaly, a nurse was present to spread awareness and advise employees on possible cardiovascular diseases. 47 employees have been screened for diabetes, cholesterol and tension.
The management of the foundry is really satisfied with the health day and will definetely continue organizing and supporting similar events.