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Égalité homme femme chez FMGC

Gender Equality Index

Our score for the year 2021 is 79/100 Ongoing actions are in place to maintain this score and see it increase in the coming years.

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FMGC has the following figures:

  • Gender pay gap indicator by professional category: 2.6% in favor of men
  • Indicator of the difference in the rate of increases between men and women by professional category: 7% in favor of women
  • Indicator of promotion rates between men and women by professional category: 8% in favor of men
  • Indicator percentage of female employees receiving a raise in the year following their return from maternity leave: not calculable (no return from maternity leave in 2021)
  • Indicator number of employees of the under-represented gender among the 10 highest paid: 2 out of 10.

Overall score of 67 out of 85 points (79/100 points)