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Setforge with a New Waste Heat Recovery System

In a circular economy approach, in which Setforge is part of the ENERGECO project (see below), recovering and reusing this waste heat represents a significant challenge in saving energy.

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ECOGREEN - The Innovative Waste Heat Recovery System Implemented at Setforge

Ecogreen Energy

During forging operations, heating of billets or heat treatment, Setforge facilities produce residual heat which is not used directly for the production of parts. This heat diffuses into the ambient air and eventually disappears. These unused thermal discharges are called "unavoidable heat" because they are lost permanently.


Setforge Heat Recovery System

These thermal, gaseous, liquid discharges represent at least 36% of the fuel consumption in industry according to the ADEME (The French Environment and Energy Management Agency).

In a circular economy approach, in which Setforge is part of the ENERGECO project (see below), recovering and reusing this waste heat represents a significant challenge in saving energy.

Setforge has therefore decided to collaborate with the company ECOGREEN (several times awarded in 2019) in order to develop solutions for the recovery of waste heat.

Two projects have already been launched on the Setforge La Clayette and Setforge Gauvin sites. In both cases the ECOGREEN system is connected to the cooling towers necessary for cooling the motors and compressors. The recovered heat makes it possible to heat the buildings in substitution or complement of traditional energy sources. Significant energy and water savings will flow from these facilities gradually.

Similar projects are being deployed at all of our sites.

Setforge Energeco