Our company of Setforge L'Horme is supported by the ADEME within the framework of France Relance for its project of decarbonation of its thermal treatment line. A major investment that will allow a reduction of more than 470 T of CO2 per year, i.e. 50% of the line's current emissions.
ADEME (Agence de l'Environnement et de la Maîtrise de l'Energie) is an industrial and commercial public establishment founded in 1991 and placed under the supervision of the Ministries of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy, and Higher Education and Research. Its mission is to help implement public environmental and energy policies. More info: https://www.ademe.fr/
Didier Forestier and his teams were delighted to welcome Arnaud Leroy - President of ADEME, Jérôme d'ASSIGNY - Regional Director, Agnès DUVAL - Deputy Regional Director, Geoffrey Abécassis - Head of the Stimulus Plan and Advisor to the President of the Republic, as well as Emmanuel Goy - Deputy Regional Director, to L'Horme, in order to give them a detailed presentation of our activities and the purpose of the project they are financing.

At the invitation of ADEME, Setforge, through Didier Forestier, Director of Setforge L'Horme, also had the opportunity to discuss its projects and decarbonisation objectives during the round table "Climate strategy in industry: support and concrete cases". A round table with Olivier Gillet - ADEME Energy and Enterprise project manager, and Fabien Marion - Technical R&D Director at Verallia, world leader in glass bottles.
Pollutec, which took place from 12 to 15 October in Lyon, is now recognized as the benchmark event for environmental professionals, a showcase for environmental solutions for industry, cities and territories, as well as a springboard for market innovations and international development. For more information: https://www.pollutec.com/fr-fr.html

From left to right: Didier Forestier, Fabien Marion and Oliver Gillet.