The Engineering Students Interact with the Setforge Teams
In April students of the ESFF - School of Foundry and Forging (one of the most prestigious schools in France) had the opportunity to visit 2 Setforge sites: Setforge Barriol & Dallière and Setforge Gauvin. The future engineers have enourmously benefited from the exchange with the Setforge teams and especially appreciated the meeting with the Director of Setforge Barriol & Dallière – Mikael Pugnet, who is a former ESFF alumni.
The ESFF, based in Sèvre and created in 1924, is one of the only French schools specialized in metal processing. The curriculum is based on trainings and internships, where students rely on a strong participation of professionals in school activities and extended periods of work in the company. The ESFF diploma is under the agreement of ENSAM (Arts et Métiers).